Soy Milk
Soy milk is created by dried soybeans soaked and then thoroughly ground in water. The milk is based on varied plant-based milk packed with all necessary essential nutrients. Soy milk consists of calcium and soy proteins. The milk is popular with vegans and vegetarians. However, it is also milk that many health-conscious people resort to.
Soy milk is considered a thicker and sweeter type of almond milk. It’s also a great dairy alternative. The main ingredient of soy milk comes from plants. Soy milk is naturally cholesterol-free. It also has no lactose and is low in saturated fat. Soy milk is also a “complete protein milk.” That means that the content of the protein is like whole milk. Whole milk is hefty and high in calories. Soy milk is not.
A study compared the nutritional content of soy, coconut, almond, and rice milk. It is soy milk that contains the most significant amount of essential nutrients. Therefore, it is the second most nutritious milk after cow milk. Consequently, you can benefit from the nutrition without any of the negatives of heavy cow’s milk. As a side point, you may be interested in seeing robotic milking.
Almond Milk
Another kind of popular plant-based milk that individuals love is almond milk. It has a natural sweetness that is subtle and has a creamy consistency. Almond milk is dairy-free. It is created by toasting almonds and then grinding in water until well-blended. After the process, the result is rich milk with a nutty, delicious taste. It also has a creamy, thick texture.
Almond milk is nut-based. Therefore it has lots of healthy fats, specifically monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. It also contains potassium, magnesium, protein, calcium, fibre, and vitamin E. Almond milk is loved by people interested in a healthy alternative to cow’s milk.
If you are lactose-intolerant, almond milk is suitable for that purpose. Not only does it not contain lactose, but it is also cholesterol-free. Almond milk is also low in sodium. This contributes to a healthy heart. Finally, almond milk is the lowest of calories of these kinds of milk. It contains only 30 calories per cup and zero grams of sugar and carbs. For those who are seeking milk that is good to drink while on a diet, almond milk takes the prize.
Rice Milk
Rice milk is one of the most hypoallergenic. It is also the sweetest milk of them all. It is dairy-free milk that is produced by boiling brown rice. You mix the brown rice with brown rice syrup and brown rice starch.
Rice milk has a taste that is medium-rich sweet. This has proven to be very pleasant to taste. It, therefore, has a natural sweetness. This is derived from the rice grain rather than added sugar. It is lactose-free and is extremely low in allergens. This makes rice milk suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals and people who are allergic to milk.
Rice milk is fat and cholesterol-free. It is the ideal milk for those with high blood pressure and those who suffer from cardiovascular problems. There is a downside to rice milk, however. It has very little calcium and protein compared to whole milk. For each serving of rice milk, there are about 26 grams of carbs. That makes rice milk high in natural sugars and calories.
There is a misconception about buttermilk. Many people assume that buttermilk is high in fat. In reality, buttermilk is fermented milk initially created from the residual liquid left behind from churned butter from fermented or cultured cream.