Bedroom Cleaning Checklist Step-By-Step For That Just Cleaned Feel

Gather Supplies

You’re going to need some cleaning supplies before you begin your task of cleaning your bedroom from top to bottom. We’ve taken the time to list what we use so that you have a good idea of what you’ll need to get the job done right.

The cleaning supplies are listed by order of use. However, it’s suggested to gather all of them at one time so that there are no distractions requiring you to stop and go find something to complete the task at hand. Use a caddy or basket to corral all of your cleaning supplies so that you have everything at hand when you start your project.

  • Trash Bag or Can. I prefer a huge trash bag that I can simply throw in the trash can when I’m finished with the entire room.
  • Decluttering a basket such as a basket with handles that are easy to carry.
  • Microfiber mop with extra mop pads. Choose one color to dust ceilings and walls and another color for mopping.
  • 3 or 4 microfiber cloths. Use different colors for different purposes such as dusting, glass, and polishing.
  • Cleaning solution with a bucket.
  • Glass cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • Essential oils. I chose a fragrance that everyone loves.
  • Dusting polish for wood surfaces.
  • Vacuum or broom. I prefer an upright with a hose to reach all the nooks and crannies.
  • Mop with extra mop pads
  • Reed diffuser, candle, or wax melt to scent the room.

Clear All Clutter

Pick up all of the garbage laying about and toss it into the trash bag.

Remove the clutter from all areas including dresser tops, shelving, and flooring. Put things where they go. If they don’t belong in your bedroom, put them where they belong or simply put them in your basket to a place where they should be later.

This is also a great time to go through all of your closets and drawers. You can declutter them and find more space. I typically go through the closet and the drawers prior to beginning the project to make more room. For readers in the UK, you may be interested in seeing ‘electrostatic cleaning UK‘.


Move all of the furnishings away from walls start at the ceiling and work your way down. Go from top to bottom and left to rights that you’re not going back over things twice.

It’s amazing how much dust builds up. Don’t forget the top of the doors and shelves.

Use microfiber to dust all of the doors and remember to move things around.

Wash Walls, Doors, Light Switches, And Door Knobs

Use your microfiber mop in the same method from top to bottom and left to right. Don’t get the mop pad too wet you don’t want to have water running down the walls staining them.

Wash everything, doors, doorknobs, light switches, and other surfaces using your damp microfiber cloth.

Light Fixtures

Finally, take some time to dust and wipe down all of your lighting fixtures. Wipe them with a damp cloth (make sure lights aren’t on to ensure that there is no danger). For extra grimy fixtures, you may need to soak them in your cleaning solution and rinse well or run them through your dishwasher on a gentle cycle. Dry them accordingly so that you don’t have any water spots or hard water spots on them.