Guidelines For SEO Friendly Website Design

When it comes to designing an SEO website, it is all about ensuring it is search engine friendly. This is when the website is easily and efficiently crawled by various search engines such as Google. The content should be well interpreted as well as indexed. After the pages have been indexed, then the search engine can serve the pages to web users according to what they are looking for. Basically, the better your use of SEO in the design of a website, the better it ranks at the top of the search engine results.

Every day, billions of people access the internet and use search engines. It is a fact that under 5% of those searchers look past the first page of the result pages. Therefore, SEO is extremely important when designing your website so that you can get as much organic traffic as possible by ranking on the first page.

If there is one common joke in the SEO space, it’s that the best place to hide a body would be on the 2nd page of the SERPs.

We will now cover how you can start to improve and optimize your website so that you can rank highly. We will be looking mainly at off page and on-page optimization.

On-page Optimisation In Website Design

This is basically optimizing the aspects of a site that are within full control of the website owner. This is important so that search engines can understand your site content and crawl it. See here for ‘affordable seo packages‘.

Strategies For Optimisation Of The On-Page Elements Of A Website

Finding the correct keywords, keyword research as well as topics for each page on a site
Utilizing appropriate title tags, headers, meta information, image alt tags
Developing a set URL structure that is suitable for the search engines as well as website visitors
Developing the link structure for internal linking as well as navigation throughout the site. This also includes the information architecture that will enable search engines to easily crawl the site.
Developing content that can be utilized to get backlinks
Make a website that is not only aesthetic but also one that accurately showcases your brand while being consistent.

Off-page Optimisation In Website Design

This refers to the marketing of a website so that it can become more well known. It basically means building links as well as gaining social media mentions. These will work to improve your website’s ranking, authority as well as organic traffic.

Strategies For Optimisation Of The Off-Page Elements Of A Website

Figuring out competing websites so that you can determine the strategies that they are utilizing to get top rankings
Utilizing inbound links that have keywords in the anchor text
Getting links from other authoritative websites that are well-liked by search engines
Obtaining external links to the pages of your site, including deep pages

Black And White Hat SEO

The vast majority of SEO strategies can be seen as either being white hat or black hat. White hats are techniques that search engines approve of and recommend. However, black hat techniques are not recommended by search engines as they are very deceptive and can cause a site to get banned or penalized by Google and other search engines.

White Hat Strategies

The techniques and strategies that we have mentioned above are white hat strategies. They help to improve the SEO of a website while improving the user experience. These techniques will certainly help you to get higher rankings, more traffic as well as more conversions.