How To Launch Your Digital Marketing Career

If you would like to start a new career in digital marketing, this is the best time to do it. Research shows that the digital economy continues to grow three times faster than the U.S. GDP. Digital economy employees on average are earning $114,275 per year, which is more than 72% of the county’s workers.

We have compiled a list of our best tips for people who aspire to become digital marketers and who would like to launch their digital marketing careers.

Interested in learning

The current digital marketing industry is very competitive and rapidly growing. It is very easy for employers to distinguish between candidates who are willing to learn and those who are just along for the ride. Passion is required for this industry and to have a desire to be successful. For readers in London check out marketing agencies in London.

Stay Updated

It is essential to stay current on industry news. You can do this by following influential individuals on social media and leading digital marketing sites. Since major players like Twitter, Facebook, and Google make changes to their algorithms and advertising platforms on a regular basis. So if you do not stay current with the latest changes, then you will be in for a very wild.

The following are some website recommendations to help you get started:

  • SEO – Search Engine Land, SEOGadget, Distilled, Moz
  • PPC – Search Engine Land, PPC Hero
  • Social Media – Social Media Today, Social Media Examiner
  • Content – Hubspot


Make sure you surround yourself with individuals who are more talented than you are. These people can be your support network whenever you run into a problem, and it will also open you up to opportunities that you may not have found otherwise.

Attend local area industry conferences and meetups to meet other digital marketers that you can nurture relationships and enhance your skills by attending in-depth presentations and workshops.

Personal Projects

Don’t just treat the opinions of industry leaders as gospel. Instead, try your own ideas out. Within the digital marketing industry, not everything is always black and white. There are many grey areas in between what can achieve results and best practices for businesses.

All digital marketers need to have personal projects they can use for testing their theories, trying out various disciplines (Content Marketing, Social Media, PPC, SEO, etc) so they can take accountability for the failure or success of their projects.

Become familiar with the terminology

It is essential for digital markers to become familiar with acronyms like SEO, SEM, and PPC. These terms are all quite different and misunderstanding them can be a clear sign that you need additional training and currently have just a beginner’s skill set. Being able to analyze your digital marketing campaigns and understanding which elements worked and which didn’t will depend on you understanding industry jargon.

Develop your personal brand

Do you imagine yourself to be a digital marketing big shot but you don’t have a visible online presence? In order to show employers that you can build the visibility of their company, you will first need to show that you can develop your own personal brand.

Having a strong presence online can possibly be the determining between two different candidates who are applying for the same job.

T-Shaped Marketer

This term is often used by Rand Fishkin from Moz. It means having a good basic understanding of numerous marketing disciplines but also specializing in one or two specific skills.

Companies often find that candidates who have broad digital marketing skillsets can be very valuable since there is a lot of crossover between the various channels. You will also be better prepared to choose a more specific path to specialize in.